By Vivian Ononiwu and Nelson Chinonso
The Awka Diocesan Young Catholic Students (YCS) held their end of the year academic activities on Saturday, 18 November 2023 at St Patrick’s Cathedral, Awka, Anambra State.
In a Holy Mass celebrated to officially kick-start the event, Most Rev Paulinus Ezeokafor, Bishop, of the Catholic Diocese of Awka, charged the students to always improve on their academic, spiritual and psycho-social lives, as doing so would greatly impact on their overall well-being, family, Church and the larger society.
He equally stressed the importance of being focused and hardworking in order to maximize their potentials, maintaining that the period of adolescence in which they were, was critical for them to make progress in life. He urged parents to groom their children from the start in the ways of the Lord.
He charged the youths to focus on individual growth; obedience to parents and society, as well as to God, their creator.
The Chaplain, Rev. Fr Henry Oduenyi, appreciated the Bishop for coming, despite his tight schedule. He also thanked the priests, reverend sisters, executive members of YCS for working to ensure the success of the event.
Other highlights of the day included March Past Competition by registered schools, Akuko Uwa by Eziawka, Secondary School Lolo and Igwe contests; cutting of cake, calisthenics display by St. John of God, secondary School Awka, break dance by Tansi International College, Awka; drama by Rosa Mystica College, Agulu and cultural display by Bubendorff Memorial Grammar School, Adazi.
The active participation of the students began with the rules and regulations attached to the competitive march past that resulted in Stella Maris College, Abagana winning the competition. St. Patrick’s College, Awka came 2nd; while the 3rd position went to St. Anthony’s Comprehensive School, Agulu.
Selected females from five different schools participated in Lolo Contest. The schools included: Loretto Secondary School, Adazi; St Joseph’s Girls’ Secondary School, Nimo; St Paul’s Academy, Achalla; St Theresa’s Secondary School, Enugu-Ukwu and St John of God Secondary School, Awka. They were asked series of questions and the climax came when the audience had to support each contestant with money for them to win.
Precious Madubuko from St. Paul’s Secondary School, Achalla, emerged the winner after a total sum of N25, 850 was put in her basket. The second position was won by Loretto Secondary School, Adazi which realized N23, 950; while the third position went to St Joseph Girl’s Secondary school, Nimo, which realized the sum of N12, 520.
The former Lolo of YCS, Onyinye Okeke from St Joseph Girl’s Secondary School, Nimo, beautifully decorated the newly crowned Lolo which was followed by the coronation of the new Igwe of YCS, Emmanuel Elias from same school, St Paul’s Academy, Achalla.
In an interview with the chaplain of YCS Awka Diocese, Rev Fr Oduenyi appreciated the students for what he described as their mature and dignified behaviour during the event. A visibly happy Fr Oduenyi thanked the Bishop for honouring the YCS occasion; just as he thanked Hon. Henry Mbachu, member representing Awka I Constituency for his contribution of computers and photocopy machines to support the YCS.
Hon. Henry Mbachu expressed joy at being at the end of their Annual Academic Year and encouraged them to continue moulding souls, especially the young ones, to follow the way of the Lord. He expressed willingness to partner with them yearly.